brightest star in the sky
The brightest star in the sky is Sirius. Its magnitude is -1.46. The name Sirius is derived from Greek and means 'scorching'. Sirius is also known as the Dog Star from the constellation in which it lies, Canis Major (the Great Dog). Only 8.7 light years away, it is one of the nearest stars to the Sun. The next brightest star after Sirius is Canopus in the constellation Carina, magnitude -0.72.
Sirius is actually a system of two stars in orbit around each other. Almost all the light comes from the primary star, Sirius A, which is a normal star about 2.3 times more massive than the Sun and white in colour. Its faint companion, Sirius B, was discovered visually in 1862, and is a white dwarf star. It gives out only one ten- thousandth the light of Sirius A. The pair take 50 years to complete one orbit.